Sxxxoxxxe cause and effect lyrics

 Sxxxoxxxe cause and effect lyrics

Could you throw away
All of your sick desires
Just to suffocate like me
And set the whole damn
World on fire
Just to suffocate with me

So Im being torn apart
all the pieces of me will start
to crumble and fall
All these voices in my head
Are screaming at me

Saying just burn it all…

Could you throw away
All of your sick desires
Just to suffocate like me
And set the whole damn
World on fire
Just to suffocate with me

What would you do with
The whole world in your hands?
Id like to watch it burn..
Id like to watch you suffocate

Just to suffocate with me
Just to suffocate with me

Could you throw it all away?
Could you throw it all away?
Could you throw it all away?

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